Friday, October 24, 2008


What is Hepatitis A is ..?

Hepatitis A is a disease of lives caused by infection with hepatitis A virus (HAV)

What are the symptoms ..?
  •   Eyes appear yellow.
  •   Color cloudy urine
  •   Nausea
  •   Fever
  •   Easy chicken
  •  Vomiting

Special for children - children rarely showed the symptoms.

How Computer Virus hepatitis A?

Hepatitis A virus found in the dirt remaining digestion (Bowel Movement), the virus is spread through food contaminated with the virus, the level of cleanliness that is less potential spread of the virus this menimbulakn

Detection of Hepatitis A Virus

Hepatitis A virus detection is done by examination of blood.

There is no specific therapy for viral hepatitis A openderita, one of Hepatitis A should be enough rest, balanced diet food, enough liquids and avoid alcohol, and always wash hands after exit from the "bathroom".
A person with hepatitis A virus sebaikany not use towels, soap, and other equipment together, as this potentially spreading the virus hepatitis A.

What is Hepatitis A is quite dangerous ..?

Symptoms that arise are not more than 2 months, in some cases a person infected with hepatitis A feel pain for 6 months.
Unlike hepatitis B and hepatitis C, Hepatits A does not cause damage to lives in jangkan penjang, Someone who recover from hepatitis A, they will not be affected by the virus infection again hepatits A. But berplunag will cause many complications if hepatitis A virus was Opname in hospital.

Prevention of Hepatitis A:
  • Wash hands setalh from the bathroom.
  • Tanagn wash before and after meals.
  • Fruits and vegetables washed before eating.
  • Hepatitis A vaccination

Vaccination Hapatitis A direcomendasikan to:

  • Someone who travel or work in areas that there are people with hepatitis A is high.
  • Children - children in komonitas the level of the spread of Hepatitis A is high.
  • Seoranng have the interest of fellow.
  • Drug user.

Hand Washing Technique of the True:

  • Guanakan Air Liquid soap and warm.
  • Clean all parts of the hands with soap at least 20 seconds include: hands back, Sela - finger sidelines of the finger and wrist.
  • Clean the sidelines with a nail brush or cut nails.
  • wash hands under running water.
  • Keringan hands with disposable tisue, do not wear towels.