Thursday, October 30, 2008
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain. Special sensors (electrodes) are attached to your head and hooked by wires to a computer. The computer records your brain's electrical activity on the screen or on paper as wavy lines. Certain conditions, such as seizures, can be seen by the changes in the normal pattern of the brain's electrical activity.
Why It Is Done
An electroencephalogram (EEG) may be done to:
Diagnose epilepsy and see what type of seizures are occurring. EEG is the most useful and important test in confirming a diagnosis of epilepsy.
Check for problems with loss of consciousness or dementia.
Help find out a person's chance of recovery after a change in consciousness.
Find out if a person who is in a coma is brain-dead.
Study sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy.
Watch brain activity while a person is receiving general anesthesia during brain surgery.
Help find out if a person has a physical problem (problems in the brain, spinal cord, or nervous system) or a mental health problem.
How To Prepare
Before the day of the electroencephalogram (EEG) test, tell your doctor if you are taking any medicines. Your doctor may ask you to stop taking certain medicines (such as sedatives and tranquilizers, muscle relaxants, sleeping aids, or medicines used to treat seizures) before the test. These medicines can affect your brain's usual electrical activity and cause abnormal test results.
Do not eat or drink foods that have caffeine (such as coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate) for 8 hours before the test.
Since the electrodes are attached to your scalp, it is important that your hair be clean and free of sprays, oils, creams, and lotions. Shampoo your hair and rinse with clear water the evening before or the morning of the test. Do not put any hair conditioner or oil on after shampooing.
To find certain types of abnormal electrical activity in the brain, you may have to be asleep during the recording. You may be asked not to sleep at all the night before the test or to sleep less (about 4 or 5 hours) by going to bed later and getting up earlier than usual. If your child is going to be tested, try to keep him or her from taking naps just before the test. If you know that you are going to have a sleep-deprived EEG, plan to have someone drive you to and from the test.
How It Is Done
An electroencephalogram (EEG) may be done in a hospital or in a doctor's office by an EEG technologist. The EEG record is read by a doctor who is specially trained to diagnose and treat disorders affecting the nervous system (neurologist).
How It Is Done continued...
You will be asked to lie on your back on a bed or table or relax in a chair with your eyes closed. The EEG technologist will attach 16 to 25 flat metal discs (electrodes) to different places on your head, using a sticky paste to hold the electrodes in place. A cap with fixed electrodes may be placed on your head instead of individual electrodes. In rare cases, these electrodes may be attached to the scalp with tiny needles.
The electrodes are hooked by wires to a computer that records the electrical activity inside the brain. A machine can show the activity as a series of wavy lines drawn by a row of pens on a moving piece of paper or as an image on the computer screen.
Lie still with your eyes closed during the recording, and do not talk to the technologist unless you need to. The technologist will watch you directly or through a window during the test. The recording may be stopped from time to time to allow you to stretch and reposition yourself.
The technologist may ask you to do different things during the test to record what activity your brain does at that time.
You may be asked to breathe deeply and rapidly (hyperventilate). Usually you will take 20 breaths a minute for 3 minutes.
You may be asked to look at a bright, flashing light called a strobe. This is called photic or stroboscopic stimulation.
You may be asked to go to sleep. If you cannot fall asleep, you may be given a sedative to help you fall asleep. If an EEG is being done to check a sleep problem, an all-night recording of your brain's electrical activity may be done.
An EEG takes 1 to 2 hours. After the test, you may do your normal activities. However, if you were sleep-deprived or given a sleep medicine, have someone drive you home after the test.
How It Feels
There is no pain with an electroencephalogram (EEG).
If paste is used to hold the electrodes, some paste may stay in your hair after the test, so you will have to wash your hair to remove it. If needle electrodes are used (which is rare), you will feel a brief, sharp prick (about like having a hair pulled out) when each electrode is inserted. If electrodes are placed in your nose, they may cause a tickling feeling and, rarely, some soreness or a small amount of bleeding for 1 to 2 days after the test.
If you are asked to breathe rapidly, you may feel lightheaded or have some numbness in your fingers. This reaction is normal. It will go away a few minutes after you start breathing normally again.
An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a very safe test. The electrical activity of your brain is recorded, but at no time is any electrical current put into your body. An EEG should not be confused with electroshock (electroconvulsive) therapy.
If you have a seizure disorder such as epilepsy, a seizure may be triggered by the flashing lights or by hyperventilation. If this occurs, the technologist is trained to take care of you during the seizure.
An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain. Special sensors (electrodes) are attached to your head and hooked by wires to a computer. EEG test results are ready on the same or the next day.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
What is ultrasonografi examination ?
Checking with Ultrasonografi or USG is one way of inspection organs to emit sound waves with high frequency that is directed into the body by means of ultrasonografi.
What that can be checked with the USG?
Each organ in the body can be checked with the USG provided that can reflect high-frequency sound waves, for example, heart, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, kidney, bladder and uterus. In practice, there are certain organs that are less good to reflect high-frequency sound waves, namely that contains the lungs, such as air cavity, stomach and intestine. These organs can not be checked with the USG.
What's difference can be detected with the USG?
Swelling or shrinkage / contraction organs in detail. Tumors on the organ with a minimum of 5 mm in diameter, and often we can distinguish between malignant tumors and benign tumors. Stone in the gall bladder / kidney with a diameter of at least 2 mm. Sumbatan channel in the bile or urine channel. The existence of abses (pus) on the organ in the body. The existence of a liquid or bleeding in the body cavity. To make detection / aberration in the blood vessels in the body. Determine the function of the heart kwalitatif, and kwantitatif, to determine the leakage / constriction valve, etc..
Setting the age pregnancy, placenta location, gender of the fetus in pregnancy, etc..
In the content, such as ovary cyst, tumors, etc..
WHAT benefit examination with USG compared with Checking other ?
Checking with the USG can detect the difference in the anatomical organs quickly and accurately. This allows doctors to plan for inspection of a more advanced, so the diagnosis can certainly were more early. This benefit patients, because the treatment can be started earlier and healing can be accelerated. In addition to the USG examination does not cause pain for patients and does not require special preparation such as fasting or diet-specific.
PERSIAPAN the inspection:
Does not require special preparation, except in the inspection gall bladder filled in the circumstances that require fasting for at least 8 hours, Before the inspection, you may be asked to drink 1 liter of water. With drinking water, will make it easier to become a doctor to see the womb. Bladder is located in front of the uterus. If the bladder is full, then pushed to the front of the uterus and exit from the pelvic area and can be easily seen through the USG. If the bladder is empty, the uterus is located further down in the pelvis and will make it difficult to see.
WHAT side effect the inspection?
USG examination does not cause harmful side effects for the patient and the fetus. USG also checks carried out safely many times even within a very short time (every day, for example).
• To identify the early pregnancy.
• To show the size and speed of growth of embryo or fetus.
• To measure the fetal head, abdomen, thigh or to determine the duration or length of pregnancy.
• To identify fetal Down syndrome with particular.
• To identify fetal abnormalities, such as hidrosefalus.
• To identify the location, size, maturity and Hampi Hampi or abnormalities.
• To detect the IUD.
• To distinguish between miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus).
Checking with Ultrasonografi or USG is one way of inspection organs to emit sound waves with high frequency that is directed into the body by means of ultrasonografi.
What that can be checked with the USG?
Each organ in the body can be checked with the USG provided that can reflect high-frequency sound waves, for example, heart, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, kidney, bladder and uterus. In practice, there are certain organs that are less good to reflect high-frequency sound waves, namely that contains the lungs, such as air cavity, stomach and intestine. These organs can not be checked with the USG.
What's difference can be detected with the USG?
Swelling or shrinkage / contraction organs in detail. Tumors on the organ with a minimum of 5 mm in diameter, and often we can distinguish between malignant tumors and benign tumors. Stone in the gall bladder / kidney with a diameter of at least 2 mm. Sumbatan channel in the bile or urine channel. The existence of abses (pus) on the organ in the body. The existence of a liquid or bleeding in the body cavity. To make detection / aberration in the blood vessels in the body. Determine the function of the heart kwalitatif, and kwantitatif, to determine the leakage / constriction valve, etc..
Setting the age pregnancy, placenta location, gender of the fetus in pregnancy, etc..
In the content, such as ovary cyst, tumors, etc..
WHAT benefit examination with USG compared with Checking other ?
Checking with the USG can detect the difference in the anatomical organs quickly and accurately. This allows doctors to plan for inspection of a more advanced, so the diagnosis can certainly were more early. This benefit patients, because the treatment can be started earlier and healing can be accelerated. In addition to the USG examination does not cause pain for patients and does not require special preparation such as fasting or diet-specific.
PERSIAPAN the inspection:
Does not require special preparation, except in the inspection gall bladder filled in the circumstances that require fasting for at least 8 hours, Before the inspection, you may be asked to drink 1 liter of water. With drinking water, will make it easier to become a doctor to see the womb. Bladder is located in front of the uterus. If the bladder is full, then pushed to the front of the uterus and exit from the pelvic area and can be easily seen through the USG. If the bladder is empty, the uterus is located further down in the pelvis and will make it difficult to see.
WHAT side effect the inspection?
USG examination does not cause harmful side effects for the patient and the fetus. USG also checks carried out safely many times even within a very short time (every day, for example).
• To identify the early pregnancy.
• To show the size and speed of growth of embryo or fetus.
• To measure the fetal head, abdomen, thigh or to determine the duration or length of pregnancy.
• To identify fetal Down syndrome with particular.
• To identify fetal abnormalities, such as hidrosefalus.
• To identify the location, size, maturity and Hampi Hampi or abnormalities.
• To detect the IUD.
• To distinguish between miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus).
Cervical cancer (serviks) or karsinoma serviks uterus cancer is the number two killer of women in the world after breast cancer. In Indonesia, cervix cancer even occupy the first rank. Cancer serviks the entrance to the stadium is more often cause death in a relatively quick period of time.
Serviks or cervix / uterus mouth is the end of the uterus to the prominent hole sexual intercourse (vagina). Serviks cancer developing in stages, but progressive. The occurrence of cancer this process begins with cells that mutation and develop into cells that occur displastik aberration epitel called displasia. Displasia light from the start, are displasia, displasia weight, and eventually become karsinoma in-situ (KIS), and then develop into more karsinoma Invansive. Level displasia and KIS also known as the level of pre-cancer. From displasia become karsinoma in-situ take 1-7 years, while the in-situ karsinoma become karsinoma Invansive ranging 3-20 years.
There are several factors that can increase the risk of cancer serviks, among other
This factor is the main risk factors, women who have sex at the age of less than 17 years have a risk 3 times larger than the married at the age of 20 years.
The sexual behavior of a mutually sex partners will increase the transmission of sexual diseases. The disease is transmitted infections such as human papilloma virus (HPV) has been proven to increase the incidence of cancer serviks, penis and vulva. Serviks exposed to the risk of cancer to be 10 times higher in women who have sexual partners, 6 or more. In addition, the herpes simplex virus type-2 can be a factor companion.
Women chain has more than 2 times the risk of cancer affected serviks compared with women who do not smoke.
There are several studies that conclude that defisiensi acid folat can increase displasia risk of occurrence of mild and moderate, and may also increase the risk of occurrence of cancer in women who serviks food low beta-carotene and retinol (vitamin A)
In phase prakanker, there is often no symptoms or signs typical. However, sometimes can be found symptoms as follows:
Leucorrhoea or exit from the vagina thin liquids.
Bleeding after sexual intercourse, which then continues to be a morbid bleeding.
The emergence of bleeding after a period off
In the phase out of liquids can Invansive yellowish color, smell and can be mixed with blood.
Symptoms arise anemia occurs when chronic bleeding.
Arising pelvic pain (pelvis) or in the lower abdomen when a pelvic inflammation.
At the stadium information, the body becomes emaciated because of malnutrition, ederma feet, arising bladder irritation and bearing the bottom of the large intestine (rectum), the formation fistel vesikovaginal or the rektovaginal, or symptoms arising as a result of far Metastasis
PREVENT better than treat
Death on serviks cancer cases occur because most people who have been treated in the stadium more. Even with this finding cancer early in the stadium, the possibility of this disease can be cured up to almost 100%. Actual fact this very serviks cancer can be prevented. According to the OBGYN specialist from New York University Medical Center, dr. Steven R. Goldstein, the key is early detection.
Around 90-99 percent serviks type of cancer caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus can be transferred through sexual intercourse and can be present in different variations. There are several cases of HPV virus that down by itself, and that there continues to be cancer serviks, enough so that threaten the health of female anatomy this one.
Now, the 'weapon' best to prevent this is a form of cancer screening, called a PAP smear, and screening is very effective. Pap smear is an examination sitologi introduced by Dr. GN Papanicolaou in the year 1943 to know that there is violence (cancer) with a microscope. This inspection is done easily, quickly and not sick. The problem is, many women who do not want to undergo this examination, and the cancer is usually serviks had arisen in women who had never examined themselves or do not want to do the inspection.
Pap smear examination is recommended to be done by the women regularly once
year in succession in three years time when sexual intercourse has been active and aged at least 21 years old. When the results of three years in succession normal, further investigation can be conducted every three years
Tips for Preventing Cervical Cancer
1. Women must be sexual hygiene, the cleanliness of womanhood.
2. When signs occur in the cervix rocker immediately do pap smear test.
3. Go for a good sexual relationship.
4. For men who do not circumsisi (circumcision), must maintain because of sexual higienitas
vulnerable as the HPV virus carrier.
5. Do not keep changing partners in sexual relations (sex-partner), because
The main entrance is the cause of the HPV virus.
Serviks or cervix / uterus mouth is the end of the uterus to the prominent hole sexual intercourse (vagina). Serviks cancer developing in stages, but progressive. The occurrence of cancer this process begins with cells that mutation and develop into cells that occur displastik aberration epitel called displasia. Displasia light from the start, are displasia, displasia weight, and eventually become karsinoma in-situ (KIS), and then develop into more karsinoma Invansive. Level displasia and KIS also known as the level of pre-cancer. From displasia become karsinoma in-situ take 1-7 years, while the in-situ karsinoma become karsinoma Invansive ranging 3-20 years.
There are several factors that can increase the risk of cancer serviks, among other
This factor is the main risk factors, women who have sex at the age of less than 17 years have a risk 3 times larger than the married at the age of 20 years.
The sexual behavior of a mutually sex partners will increase the transmission of sexual diseases. The disease is transmitted infections such as human papilloma virus (HPV) has been proven to increase the incidence of cancer serviks, penis and vulva. Serviks exposed to the risk of cancer to be 10 times higher in women who have sexual partners, 6 or more. In addition, the herpes simplex virus type-2 can be a factor companion.
Women chain has more than 2 times the risk of cancer affected serviks compared with women who do not smoke.
There are several studies that conclude that defisiensi acid folat can increase displasia risk of occurrence of mild and moderate, and may also increase the risk of occurrence of cancer in women who serviks food low beta-carotene and retinol (vitamin A)
In phase prakanker, there is often no symptoms or signs typical. However, sometimes can be found symptoms as follows:
Leucorrhoea or exit from the vagina thin liquids.
Bleeding after sexual intercourse, which then continues to be a morbid bleeding.
The emergence of bleeding after a period off
In the phase out of liquids can Invansive yellowish color, smell and can be mixed with blood.
Symptoms arise anemia occurs when chronic bleeding.
Arising pelvic pain (pelvis) or in the lower abdomen when a pelvic inflammation.
At the stadium information, the body becomes emaciated because of malnutrition, ederma feet, arising bladder irritation and bearing the bottom of the large intestine (rectum), the formation fistel vesikovaginal or the rektovaginal, or symptoms arising as a result of far Metastasis
PREVENT better than treat
Death on serviks cancer cases occur because most people who have been treated in the stadium more. Even with this finding cancer early in the stadium, the possibility of this disease can be cured up to almost 100%. Actual fact this very serviks cancer can be prevented. According to the OBGYN specialist from New York University Medical Center, dr. Steven R. Goldstein, the key is early detection.
Around 90-99 percent serviks type of cancer caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus can be transferred through sexual intercourse and can be present in different variations. There are several cases of HPV virus that down by itself, and that there continues to be cancer serviks, enough so that threaten the health of female anatomy this one.
Now, the 'weapon' best to prevent this is a form of cancer screening, called a PAP smear, and screening is very effective. Pap smear is an examination sitologi introduced by Dr. GN Papanicolaou in the year 1943 to know that there is violence (cancer) with a microscope. This inspection is done easily, quickly and not sick. The problem is, many women who do not want to undergo this examination, and the cancer is usually serviks had arisen in women who had never examined themselves or do not want to do the inspection.
Pap smear examination is recommended to be done by the women regularly once
year in succession in three years time when sexual intercourse has been active and aged at least 21 years old. When the results of three years in succession normal, further investigation can be conducted every three years
Tips for Preventing Cervical Cancer
1. Women must be sexual hygiene, the cleanliness of womanhood.
2. When signs occur in the cervix rocker immediately do pap smear test.
3. Go for a good sexual relationship.
4. For men who do not circumsisi (circumcision), must maintain because of sexual higienitas
vulnerable as the HPV virus carrier.
5. Do not keep changing partners in sexual relations (sex-partner), because
The main entrance is the cause of the HPV virus.
Friday, October 24, 2008
What is Hepatitis A is ..?
Hepatitis A is a disease of lives caused by infection with hepatitis A virus (HAV)
What are the symptoms ..?
Special for children - children rarely showed the symptoms.
How Computer Virus hepatitis A?
Hepatitis A virus found in the dirt remaining digestion (Bowel Movement), the virus is spread through food contaminated with the virus, the level of cleanliness that is less potential spread of the virus this menimbulakn
Detection of Hepatitis A Virus
Hepatitis A virus detection is done by examination of blood.
There is no specific therapy for viral hepatitis A openderita, one of Hepatitis A should be enough rest, balanced diet food, enough liquids and avoid alcohol, and always wash hands after exit from the "bathroom".
A person with hepatitis A virus sebaikany not use towels, soap, and other equipment together, as this potentially spreading the virus hepatitis A.
What is Hepatitis A is quite dangerous ..?
Symptoms that arise are not more than 2 months, in some cases a person infected with hepatitis A feel pain for 6 months.
Unlike hepatitis B and hepatitis C, Hepatits A does not cause damage to lives in jangkan penjang, Someone who recover from hepatitis A, they will not be affected by the virus infection again hepatits A. But berplunag will cause many complications if hepatitis A virus was Opname in hospital.
Prevention of Hepatitis A:
Vaccination Hapatitis A direcomendasikan to:
Hand Washing Technique of the True:
Hepatitis A is a disease of lives caused by infection with hepatitis A virus (HAV)
What are the symptoms ..?
- Eyes appear yellow.
- Color cloudy urine
- Nausea
- Fever
- Easy chicken
- Vomiting
Special for children - children rarely showed the symptoms.
How Computer Virus hepatitis A?
Hepatitis A virus found in the dirt remaining digestion (Bowel Movement), the virus is spread through food contaminated with the virus, the level of cleanliness that is less potential spread of the virus this menimbulakn
Detection of Hepatitis A Virus
Hepatitis A virus detection is done by examination of blood.
There is no specific therapy for viral hepatitis A openderita, one of Hepatitis A should be enough rest, balanced diet food, enough liquids and avoid alcohol, and always wash hands after exit from the "bathroom".
A person with hepatitis A virus sebaikany not use towels, soap, and other equipment together, as this potentially spreading the virus hepatitis A.
What is Hepatitis A is quite dangerous ..?
Symptoms that arise are not more than 2 months, in some cases a person infected with hepatitis A feel pain for 6 months.
Unlike hepatitis B and hepatitis C, Hepatits A does not cause damage to lives in jangkan penjang, Someone who recover from hepatitis A, they will not be affected by the virus infection again hepatits A. But berplunag will cause many complications if hepatitis A virus was Opname in hospital.
Prevention of Hepatitis A:
- Wash hands setalh from the bathroom.
- Tanagn wash before and after meals.
- Fruits and vegetables washed before eating.
- Hepatitis A vaccination
Vaccination Hapatitis A direcomendasikan to:
- Someone who travel or work in areas that there are people with hepatitis A is high.
- Children - children in komonitas the level of the spread of Hepatitis A is high.
- Seoranng have the interest of fellow.
- Drug user.
Hand Washing Technique of the True:
- Guanakan Air Liquid soap and warm.
- Clean all parts of the hands with soap at least 20 seconds include: hands back, Sela - finger sidelines of the finger and wrist.
- Clean the sidelines with a nail brush or cut nails.
- wash hands under running water.
- Keringan hands with disposable tisue, do not wear towels.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Spirometry (meaning the measuring of breath) is the most common of the Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs), measuring lung function, specifically the measurement of the amount (volume) and/or speed (flow) of air that can be inhaled and exhaled. Spirometry is an important tool used for generating pneumotachographs which are helpful in assessing conditions such as asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, and COPD.
The basic FVC test varies slightly depending on the equipment used.
Generally, the patient is asked to take the deepest breath they can, and then exhale into the sensor as hard as possible, for as long as possible. It is sometimes directly followed by a rapid inhalation (inspiration), in particular when assessing possible upper airway obstruction. Sometimes, the test will be preceded by a period of quiet breathing in and out from the sensor (tidal volume), or the rapid breath in (forced inspiratory part) will come before the forced exhalation.
During the test, soft nose clips may be used to prevent air escaping through the nose. Filter mouthpieces may be used to prevent the spread of microorganisms, particularly for inspiratory maneuvers.
Limitations of test
The maneuver is highly dependent on patient cooperation and effort, and is normally repeated at least three times to ensure reproducibility. Since results are dependent on patient cooperation, FEV1* and FVC can only be underestimated, never overestimated.(*FEV1 can be overestimated in people with some diseases - a softer blow can reduce the spasm or collapse of lung tissue to elevate the measure)
Due to the patient cooperation required, spirometry can only be used on children old enough to comprehend and follow the instructions given (typically about 4-5 years old), and only on patients who are able to understand and follow instructions - thus, this test is not suitable for patients who are unconscious, heavily sedated, or have limitations that would interfere with vigorous respiratory efforts. Other types of lung function tests are available for infants and unconscious persons
The basic FVC test varies slightly depending on the equipment used.
Generally, the patient is asked to take the deepest breath they can, and then exhale into the sensor as hard as possible, for as long as possible. It is sometimes directly followed by a rapid inhalation (inspiration), in particular when assessing possible upper airway obstruction. Sometimes, the test will be preceded by a period of quiet breathing in and out from the sensor (tidal volume), or the rapid breath in (forced inspiratory part) will come before the forced exhalation.
During the test, soft nose clips may be used to prevent air escaping through the nose. Filter mouthpieces may be used to prevent the spread of microorganisms, particularly for inspiratory maneuvers.
Limitations of test
The maneuver is highly dependent on patient cooperation and effort, and is normally repeated at least three times to ensure reproducibility. Since results are dependent on patient cooperation, FEV1* and FVC can only be underestimated, never overestimated.(*FEV1 can be overestimated in people with some diseases - a softer blow can reduce the spasm or collapse of lung tissue to elevate the measure)
Due to the patient cooperation required, spirometry can only be used on children old enough to comprehend and follow the instructions given (typically about 4-5 years old), and only on patients who are able to understand and follow instructions - thus, this test is not suitable for patients who are unconscious, heavily sedated, or have limitations that would interfere with vigorous respiratory efforts. Other types of lung function tests are available for infants and unconscious persons
What is the BAER test?
The hearing test known as the brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER) or brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) detects electrical activity in the cochlea and auditory pathways in the brain in much the same way that an antenna detects radio or TV signals or an EKG detects electrical activity of the heart. The response waveform consists of a series of peaks numbered with Roman numerals: peak I is produced by the cochlea and later peaks are produced within the brain. The response from an ear that is deaf is an essentially flat line. In the sample recordings shown below, Puppy 1 heard in both ears, Puppy 2 was deaf in the left ear, Puppy 3 was deaf in the right ear, and Puppy 4 was deaf in both ears. Because the response amplitude is so small it is necessary to average the responses to multiple stimuli (clicks) to unmask them from the other unrelated electrical activity that is also present on the scalp (EEG, muscle activity, etc).
The response is collected with a special computer through extremely small electrodes placed under the skin of the scalp: one in front of each ear, one at the top of the head, and one between and behind the eyes. It is rare for a dog to show any evidence of pain from the placement of the electrodes - if anything the dog objects to the gentle restraint and the irritation of wires hanging in front of its face. The stimulus click produced by the computer is directed into the ear with a foam insert earphone. Each ear is tested individually, and the test usually is complete in 10-15 minutes. Sedation or anesthesia are usually not necessary unless the dog becomes extremely agitated, which can usually be avoided with patient and gentle handling. A printout of the test results, showing the actual recorded waveform, is provided at the end of the procedure. Test results are confidential, but anonymous details will be used in Dr. Strain's ongoing deafness research for later publication and education of veterinary practitioners.
Dr. George M. StrainLouisiana State UniversityComparative Biomedical SciencesSchool of
The response is collected with a special computer through extremely small electrodes placed under the skin of the scalp: one in front of each ear, one at the top of the head, and one between and behind the eyes. It is rare for a dog to show any evidence of pain from the placement of the electrodes - if anything the dog objects to the gentle restraint and the irritation of wires hanging in front of its face. The stimulus click produced by the computer is directed into the ear with a foam insert earphone. Each ear is tested individually, and the test usually is complete in 10-15 minutes. Sedation or anesthesia are usually not necessary unless the dog becomes extremely agitated, which can usually be avoided with patient and gentle handling. A printout of the test results, showing the actual recorded waveform, is provided at the end of the procedure. Test results are confidential, but anonymous details will be used in Dr. Strain's ongoing deafness research for later publication and education of veterinary practitioners.
Dr. George M. StrainLouisiana State UniversityComparative Biomedical SciencesSchool of
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pregnancy & Prenatal Testing:
Infection with the hepatitis B virus causes an inflammation of the liver. People with acute hepatitis B may have symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, and jaundice. Most people will get better without any intervention, but about 1% to 3% become carriers. Some of those chronically infected will have progressive liver damage that can lead to liver cancer and death.
The hepatitis B screening test is called hepatitis B surface antigen. It detects a protein produced by the virus and can detect a hepatitis B infection even before it is causing symptoms. If a woman who is considering getting pregnant tests positive for hepatitis B, she should talk to her health care provider about how long she should wait to allow the infection to resolve before becoming pregnant.
It is important to detect active hepatitis B infections in pregnant women because newborns are especially vulnerable to developing chronic infection; up to 90% of those who become infected with hepatitis B in utero will become carriers. If a hepatitis infection is detected in a pregnant woman, she can be monitored and the baby can receive treatment at birth to minimize the risk of it developing hepatitis B.
A negative test for the virus means either that there is no current infection or there is not yet a sufficient amount of the antigen to be detected. If a woman participates in high-risk activities that may transmit the hepatitis B virus (such as unprotected sexual contact or intravenous drug use), retesting later in the pregnancy is generally advised.
sumber : Labtestonline
The hepatitis B screening test is called hepatitis B surface antigen. It detects a protein produced by the virus and can detect a hepatitis B infection even before it is causing symptoms. If a woman who is considering getting pregnant tests positive for hepatitis B, she should talk to her health care provider about how long she should wait to allow the infection to resolve before becoming pregnant.
It is important to detect active hepatitis B infections in pregnant women because newborns are especially vulnerable to developing chronic infection; up to 90% of those who become infected with hepatitis B in utero will become carriers. If a hepatitis infection is detected in a pregnant woman, she can be monitored and the baby can receive treatment at birth to minimize the risk of it developing hepatitis B.
A negative test for the virus means either that there is no current infection or there is not yet a sufficient amount of the antigen to be detected. If a woman participates in high-risk activities that may transmit the hepatitis B virus (such as unprotected sexual contact or intravenous drug use), retesting later in the pregnancy is generally advised.
sumber : Labtestonline
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